Wednesday, October 19, 2011

19th October

Nicole decided to have a quiet day today while Marg and I went looking for a Doctor to help fix my ear. I hate being deaf....

Anyway, we firstly tried a doctor. Unless registered with the NHS, doctors not possible..... They suggested going to a public hospital. Australians can be treated off we went and waited patiently in line, only to be told that their doctors do not do ear irrigation!! But advised we could try the local walk in Clinic. They would have helped, but also do not do it!! However, there was an ear specialist nearby - try him. Went to visit this nice man, but even though he is an ear specialist, he does not do it either!!! He suggested a private doctor, who I would need to call. Rang them happy to help. but the doctor is away until the 4th November. They could not recommend anyone else!! Grrrr - what a drama. Hopped on to google to discover that doctors no longer do this - under recommendations from the NHS!! Anyway, further research shows a private clinic near Oxford Street who will do it!! Grrr again - I could have gone there yesterday.....

So Marg and I went shopping - and had a great day! Found some great deals and had fun.....

I am still deaf!!

18th October

Nicole outside the British Museum

Well Marg went shopping (whole of Oxford Street) and still found nothing she liked - for the price she liked!

Luckily Nicole and I went to the British Museum. An amazing place with some of the greatest artifacts I am sure could be found anywhere. It would be easy to spend a week there. We specifically went to the section with all the Egyptian mummies and the Aztec & Mayan cultures. There was just so much to see and the age of some of the exhibitions is quite mind blowing. It is well worth a visit for anyone going to London.

Had a quiet night - as always. Reading and watching TV. (Will never complain about free to air in Australia Again!)

Saturday, October 17, 2009


How do you begin a blog under this subject? After all, not everyone is going to agree with what I say, and I'm not saying they should, every one has a right to their own oppinion. I've been interested in the paranormal for quite some time, but I usually don't go looking for them, mainly because I'm always so busy, and you can hardly find any information on haunted places where I live, because, people are too scared to talk about that kind of thing.

Anyway, throughout this blog, I will tell you about some haunted places and things that I have been to, want to go to, read and heard about that some of you may have already been aware of. My first will be on the Monte Cristo Homestead in Junee, New South Wales, which I visited at the start of the school holidays this year:

The house was built during the 1800's by a wealthy land owner named William Crawley, who lived with his wife Elizabeth in the victorian-style mansion. They were living in the house for many years, until, tragedy struck: Mr. Crawley died in the boy's room after his starch collar, rubbing against his neck, caused an infection to one of his blood vessels, and eventually, blood poisoning. Elizabeth became ant social and locked herself away after her husband's death, and then she too died of liver failure during her 70's.

Other deaths that have occured in the house was that of a workboy in the stables: he was told to get up to start his duties, but he said he was too ill; not believing a word he said, his boss set the straw matress on fire. Too sick to get up in time, the young man was burned to 80% of his body.

During the 1960's, the move "Psycho" had arrived in Junee, and a local wack-job after seeing the movie one too many times, went up to the house and murdered the care taker; he then wrote on the door of the dairy shed: "Die Jack, ha ha" (I took a photo of this writing when I was there).

The most dominant ghost in the house is Mrs. Crawley, and along with another ghost in the house- known as the White Lady- she is the only one that speaks to people.

I don't have time to into every single detail about this house, so I'll continue on with it tomorrow.